Best practices for writing maintainable code

Dilshan Hiruna
12 min readFeb 14, 2023

Software development is a constantly evolving field, with new technologies, tools, and methodologies emerging all the time. Despite these changes, however, one thing remains constant: the importance of writing maintainable code.

Maintainable code is code that is easy to understand, modify, and extend over time. This is important for several reasons. For one, it helps ensure that your code is more reliable and less prone to bugs, which leads to better user experiences and lower costs for fixing problems down the road. Additionally, maintainable code is easier for others (or yourself in the future) to work with, which can save time and effort when working on large or complex projects.

But what makes code maintainable? There are many factors to consider, from the way you name variables and functions to the way you organize your code into smaller, reusable components. In this post, we’ll explore best practices for writing maintainable code and provide tips and examples to help you write better code.

This blog will cover the following topics related to code maintainability:

  1. Code readability and naming conventions
  2. Documentation and effective comments
  3. Code organization into reusable components
  4. Automated testing and its benefits
  5. Debugging and error handling best practices
  6. The importance of regularly refactoring code

By covering these topics, we hope to provide a comprehensive overview of what it takes to write maintainable code and offer valuable insights and tips to help software engineers write better code.

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Code readability and naming conventions

Code readability and naming conventions are two important concepts in software development that play a crucial role in writing maintainable code. Writing code that is easy to understand, both for yourself and others who may need to work with the code in the future, is critical to ensure the success of a project.

Code readability

Code readability is the degree to which code is easily understood by a human reader. In software development, it’s important to write code that is easy to understand because it can improve collaboration and speed up development time. When code is readable, other developers can quickly grasp the intent and logic behind it, which makes it easier to maintain, debug, and extend. Additionally, readable code is more likely to be correct since it’s easier for developers to spot and correct errors.

Here’s a code example to illustrate the difference between bad and good code readability:

// Bad
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
for(int j=0;j<n;j++)
for(int k=0;k<n;k++)

// Good
for (int row = 0; row < n; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < n; col++) {
for (int inner = 0; inner < n; inner++) {
a[row][col] += b[row][inner] * c[inner][col];

Naming conventions

Naming conventions are the guidelines for naming variables, functions, and other components of your code. Naming conventions are important because they help ensure that the code is readable and consistent. They provide a common structure for naming components, making it easier for developers to understand what each component does just by looking at its name. Naming conventions can vary between programming languages, but in general, names should be descriptive and meaningful and should follow a consistent pattern.

Here’s a code example to illustrate the difference between bad and good naming conventions:

// Bad
int d;
// Good
int days;

Code formatting

Code formatting is the way that code is visually structured. Using a consistent code format is important for readability because it makes the code easier to scan and understand. A consistent code format also makes the code easier to maintain and debug, since it’s easier to spot errors and inconsistencies when the code follows a consistent pattern. In the JavaScript community, there are two popular tools for enforcing a consistent code format: ESLint and Prettier.

ESLint is a linting tool that helps enforce a consistent code style and format by checking your code against a set of configurable rules. It can be configured to use a variety of popular style guides, including the Airbnb JavaScript style guide.

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that can automatically format your code to match its style rules. It works well with a wide range of code editors and can be easily integrated into your workflow. With Prettier, you can focus on writing your code and let the tool handle the formatting for you.

By using tools like ESLint and Prettier, you can ensure that your code is formatted consistently and in a manner that is easy to read and understand.

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Documentation and effective comments

Writing clear, concise, and well-organized code is important for any software development project. But just as important, if not more, is documenting your code to make it easier for others, including yourself, to understand and maintain it. Good documentation acts as a roadmap for future development, helps with onboarding new team members, and facilitates collaboration.

As software engineers, we often work on projects that involve writing code, fixing bugs, and making improvements. As the size of a project grows, it can become more challenging to understand the code, especially if the code was written by someone else. This is where documentation comes into play.

How to Document Your Code

Write Comments: Comments are the most basic form of documentation in code. They provide explanations and context for what the code is doing.

To write effective comments, follow these tips:

  1. Keep comments concise and to the point.
  2. Write comments that add value and provide context to the code.
  3. Use consistent commenting styles and formatting.
// Function to calculate the total cost of items in a shopping cart
function calculateTotalCost(cart) {
// Declare a variable to store the total cost
let totalCost = 0;
// Loop through the items in the cart
for (const item of cart) {
// Add the cost of each item to the total cost
totalCost += item.cost;
// Return the total cost
return totalCost;

Use Docstrings: A docstring is a special type of comment that provides documentation for functions, classes, and modules. They are usually placed immediately before the definition of a function or class. Here’s an example of a docstring in JavaScript:

* This function calculates the sum of two numbers
* @param {number} a - The first number
* @param {number} b - The second number
* @returns {number} - The sum of `a` and `b`
function sum(a, b) {
return a + b;

Benefits of Documentation

Improves the code readability by providing explanations and context for the code, documentation makes it easier to understand and maintain.

Collaboration is facilitated because documentation ensures that everyone on the team is on the same page, making it easier to collaborate and work together effectively.

Documentation can lead to increased productivity and faster problem resolution by making the code easier to understand.

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Code organization into reusable components

Code organization is critical to writing maintainable code. By organizing your code into smaller, reusable components, you can make it easier to understand, debug, and maintain. It also helps to ensure that your code is scalable and can handle increasing demands as your application grows.

There are several benefits to organizing your code into reusable components, including:

  1. Readability: By breaking your code into smaller, reusable components, it becomes easier to understand and navigate.
  2. Reusability: Reusable components can be used across multiple parts of your application, reducing the amount of duplicated code, and making it easier to maintain.
  3. Scalability: Code organization makes it easier to scale your application as it grows. By dividing your code into smaller components, you can add new features and functionality more easily.
  4. Testing: Dividing your code into reusable components makes it easier to test individual parts of your application, reducing the risk of bugs and improving the reliability of your code.

Here’s an example of a reusable component in ReactJS:

import React from 'react';

const Button = ({ text, onClick }) => (
<button onClick={onClick}>{text}</button>

export default Button;

The above code defines a simple button component that can be reused in multiple places throughout the application. The component takes in a text prop for the button label and an onClick prop for the button’s click event handler.

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Automated testing and its benefits

Automated testing is a process in software development where tests are run automatically without manual intervention. The tests are designed to check the functionality and behavior of a software application. The goal of automated testing is to ensure that the software application meets the requirements and behaves as expected, even when changes are made to the codebase.

Types of Automated Tests

There are several types of automated tests that can be used in software development. Some of the most common types of tests are unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.

Unit tests are the smallest and simplest tests that check the functionality of individual units of code, such as functions or methods. They are typically written by developers and are used to validate the behavior of the code at a granular level.

Integration tests are used to test the interactions between different units of code. They ensure that the different components of a software application work together as expected. Integration tests can be used to detect issues that arise when different parts of the codebase are combined.

End-to-end tests are used to test the entire software application from start to finish. They simulate the user’s experience and check the functionality of the software application as a whole. End-to-end tests are typically written by QA (quality assurance) engineers and are used to validate that the software application meets the requirements and behaves as expected.

Benefits of Automated Testing

Automated testing offers several benefits for software development. Some of the most important benefits are:

  1. Increased reliability and efficiency: Automated testing allows you to test the software application more thoroughly and consistently than manual testing. This means that you can catch issues earlier in the development process and fix them before they become more serious problems.
  2. Reduced time to market: Automated testing can save time by allowing you to run tests more quickly and efficiently than manual testing. This means that you can get your software product to market faster.
  3. Improved quality assurance: Automated testing helps ensure that the software application meets the requirements and behaves as expected. This means that you can have confidence in the quality of your software product and can avoid the costs and reputation damage that can result from bugs and other issues.
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Debugging and error handling best practices

Debugging and error handling are crucial aspects of software development. They help developers identify and solve problems in the code, ensuring that the software runs smoothly and delivers the intended results. Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors or issues in the code, while error handling refers to how the code handles unexpected situations or errors.

Debugging Best Practices

Debugging is a key part of the software development process. It helps developers identify and fix problems in the code, ensuring that the software runs smoothly and provides the expected results. To effectively debug, there are several best practices that should be followed:

  1. Use print statements: One of the simplest and quickest ways to debug is to insert print statements in the code to display variables or the values of expressions.
  2. Use a debugger: A debugger is a tool that helps developers step through their code line by line, inspecting variables and tracking the flow of execution. It allows developers to pause the code execution, inspect variables, and step through the code.
  3. Reproduce the error consistently: To effectively debug, it is important to be able to reproduce the error consistently. This helps the developer understand the root cause of the error and fix it more effectively.
  4. Isolating the issue: It is important to isolate the issue by narrowing down the code that is causing the problem.
  5. Using log files: Log files can provide valuable information about the state of the application and help developers understand what is happening when errors occur.
  6. Collaborating with others: Collaborating with other developers can help you understand the problem and come up with a solution faster.
  7. Keeping the code clean: A clean and organized codebase makes it easier to debug and find problems.
  8. Staying patient and persistent: Debugging can be a time-consuming process, but it is important to stay patient and persistent in order to find and fix the problem.

Error Handling Best Practices

Error handling is another important aspect of software development. It helps ensure that software continues to run smoothly even when unexpected errors occur. Here are some best practices for error handling:

  1. Use try-catch blocks: Try-catch blocks are a way of handling errors in many programming languages. They allow developers to wrap a section of code in a try block and handle any errors that occur in a catch block.
  2. Return meaningful error messages: It is important to return meaningful error messages when an error occurs. This helps the user understand what has gone wrong and what needs to be done to fix it.
  3. Log errors: Logging errors is an important step in error handling. It helps developers track and fix errors more effectively. Logging should include detailed information about the error, such as the type of error, the time it occurred, and the stack trace.

Implementing Debugging and Error Handling in Your Workflow

Debugging and error handling are important aspects of the software development process and should be incorporated into the development workflow. Here are some steps for implementing debugging and error handling in your workflow:

  1. Plan for debugging and error handling: Incorporate debugging and error handling into the planning stage of the development process. Ensure that the necessary tools and practices are in place to effectively debug and handle errors.
  2. Test regularly: Regularly test your code to ensure that debugging and error handling are working as expected. This will help catch any issues early on and prevent them from becoming bigger problems down the line.
  3. Update and improve regularly: Debugging and error handling practices should be regularly reviewed and updated. This helps to ensure that they are up-to-date and continue to provide the best possible results.
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The importance of regularly refactoring code.

Refactoring in software development refers to the process of making changes to existing code without affecting its functionality. This includes restructuring code to make it more efficient, readable, and maintainable. Refactoring is an essential aspect of software development because it allows developers to continually improve the quality of their code over time.

Refactoring has many benefits for software development projects, including improved maintainability, reduced complexity, and increased performance. For example, refactoring can make code easier to understand, which makes it easier for new team members to get up to speed and for existing team members to work on new features. Additionally, refactoring can help reduce bugs and technical debt, which can lead to faster, more efficient development in the long run.

When to Refactor

Refactoring is not a one-time process, but rather a continuous effort that should be regularly incorporated into the development process. There are several signs that indicate when it’s time to refactor code, including increased complexity, decreased readability, and the need to add new features. For example, if the code has become difficult to understand, it’s a good sign that it needs to be refactored to improve its maintainability. Similarly, if the code is starting to slow down or become inefficient, refactoring can help to improve its performance.

How to Refactor

Refactoring code is a process that should be approached with care and attention to detail. It’s important to have a plan before making changes to existing code and to continuously test the code after making changes to ensure that it still works as expected. Some steps to refactor code in your software development workflow include breaking down complex functions into smaller, more manageable components, and using tools to automate repetitive tasks. Additionally, it’s important to regularly review and update your refactoring strategies to ensure that they are still effective and aligned with your development goals.


In software development, the quality of your code is just as important as the functionality it provides. To ensure that your code is maintainable and scalable, it’s crucial to prioritize code readability and naming conventions, provide clear and concise documentation and comments and organize code into reusable components. Additionally, implementing automated testing and robust debugging and error-handling practices can greatly enhance the overall quality and reliability of your code. Finally, regular refactoring can help you stay ahead of the curve and ensure that your code remains maintainable as your project evolves.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your code is not only functional, but also well-organized, maintainable, and scalable, setting the foundation for a successful software project.

